Tuesday 13 October 2015


Hello my name is Ellie and in this blog I will post my progress and development of my music magazine I will be making for my AS level media.
This is the link to my school magazine which I used to help me get with the basis of a creation of a magazine - http://elottschoolmagazine.blogspot.co.uk/
I used photoshop and picmonkey to create my school magazine. I experimented with different photo's,fonts, layouts and a range of effects and edits. When making my music magazine I will now have more skills a I have had time to go through reach programme when making my school magazine, hoping to ensure my magazine is to the best of my ability. 

For my music magazine I will research different genres from, pop, rock, rock pop, rap, hip hop and many more. I will do this by reading and researching the different magazines and looking at their at conventions and comparing them until I choose one to make my own of. At the end of my research I will have a clear idea of music magazines and how they work.

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